Nepal celebrates the Day of German Unity

Dear fellows,

I would like to extend my gratitude towards the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Nepal, H.E Dr. Thomas Prinz and Mrs. Anuza Prinz for inviting us to celebrate German Unity Day at a fabulous dinner night, along with prominent figures of Nepal, including diplomats, ministers, politicians, journalists, academicians, country representatives of international organisations, CEOs, entrepreneurs, researchers, social workers, and activists associated with Germany.

Kind regards,
Diwakar Rai
Country Representative, Nepal

© Germany Embassy Kathmandu
© Diwakar Rai

CCP Alums Meet 2024 - Nepal

Namaste and Hallo from CCP Fellows of Nepal!

As a part of CCP Alums Meet 2024, we organised our 2nd meet-up with the Chair of Clean Up Nepal, an NGO championing the Circular Economy of Nepal. During the meet-up, we discussed the NGO's contribution to Nepal's CE and explored possible opportunities for future collaborations.

Next, we visited Kathmandu's famous Farmer's Market and bought some eco-friendly Nepali products to support MSMEs and local businesses.

We also took this opportunity to welcome Gunjan, our 2024 fellow, who is back after 3 months in Berlin and learn about her fellowship.

Finally, sat for lunch and planned our upcoming meet-ups.

We thank CCP and ifa for this great opportunity!

Best regards,
Fellows of Nepal

Video report:

Fellows of Nepal - Meeting - Sept 2024

Greetings from Nepal!

Today, Fellows of Nepal engaged in a virtual meeting to discuss our upcoming Circular Economy (CE) Workshop in Kathmandu.

This workshop is a part of our CCP Alums Meet 2024. We proposed three different workshops, CE Workshop is our 2nd and planned for this month.

Have you completed your CCP Alums Meet 2024? :)

-Diwakar (CR for Nepal)

*Friendly warning: The photo displays very serious people discussing a very serious topic. ☺️☺️☺️

First Monthly Meeting - Feb 2024 - Fellows of Nepal

Namaste! Guten Morgen! As-salamu alaykum! Good morning!

I’m glad to share that the Fellows of Nepal held the First Monthly Meeting on the MeetForChange Platform. We had a great exchange of ideas for possible ifa opportunities. Thank you all for this wonderful connection.

Also, we look forward to connecting/collaborating/co-working with you all in the future. Good day! 🙂🙏🤲

-Regards from all of us in Nepal